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Written several years ago–this one’s older than my children, actually–but with Into the Woods in movie theaters, it seemed worth digging out of the trunk…might have to record…
Almost ten years ago, we produced our first show at Riverrun Theatre, Burn This by Lanford Wilson. In the midst of that, on a dare, I wrote the…
I didn’t want to write these words so soon. My mother passed away this week. It was both sudden and not. The last few weeks were like living…
First, let me point you to Gwydion Suilebhan’s blog post about numerology and bad theatre. It’s okay. I can wait. After reading his post, I would beg to…
Seth Godin has a pretty simple definition of art. I happen to think his definition is too simple. Godin states that his definition of art has three elements….
Here’s a lyric I wrote four years ago for my wife, who hates a certain Christmas song by Paul McCartney. There’s not much to explain about this process,…
This is a piece written on a dare to share with some folks in the Boston area who are well acquainted with David Mamet. There was a good…